I cant think straight
I cant think straight

i cant think straight

  • “ Fibro fatigue is being tired in every possible sense, not just physically, but mentally and emotionally.
  • “ When I am beyond tired, I can’t think and concentrate clearly.
  • Fibro fatigue is crying and having a panic attack before you go to bed because you know you’re going to start the same thing all over again the next day when you wake up.” – Lori C.
  • “ Tiredness is smiling when you go to bed.
  • It’s so far beyond tired it takes immense effort just to move, think or speak, and there is no relief.” – Alexandria P. When I am fatigued, sleep doesn’t come and I am so exhausted that I can’t concentrate on something fun, even if it’s easy.
  • “ When I’m tired, I either sleep or kick back and do something easy, yet enjoyable.
  • Also, no matter how long I do sleep, I never feel refreshed.” – Amy R.
  • “ I don’t necessarily have to sleep, but I just can’t be upright any longer.
  • ‘Tired’? Oh I wish I was only ‘tired.’” – Bernie L.

    i cant think straight


    Fibro fog at the same time makes my head feel as if it’s twice its usual size, stuffed full of cotton wool and then wedged inside one of those old-fashioned diving helmets. “ Fibro fatigue is where my body feels like I’m moving through jelly.

    i cant think straight

    It’s when I know I have pushed myself too far.” – Eve D. “ My knees give out underneath me and I can’t get my eyes to focus.It almost feels like I got way too drunk without drinking anything other than water.” – Linda C. Then comes trouble breathing and I can’t really comprehend or remember anything that is said to me. But soon after the tiredness hits I will start feeling nauseous and see stars. “ For me fatigue starts as just feeling tired.Being tired usually means you can still manage to live your life fully whereas fibro fatigue steals all your energy to exist.” – Kaia H. Fibro fatigue never gets better with rest or sleep. It’s when you have to rest your arm several times while you brush your teeth or wash your hair because the ‘tiredness’ very quickly becomes pain. “ Fibro fatigue is not tiredness at all, it’s a total depletion of energy.That doesn’t happen when I’m just tired.” – Miranda J. It’s impossible to move at a normal speed. “ When I’m dealing with fibro fatigue, my legs are really sore/hurt and my whole body slows down.It’s like fighting a current all day every day and never having the rest needed to rejuvenate.” – Michelle R. You can sleep eight hours or 14 hours (and anywhere between) and still feel like you are walking around with cement slippers. Fibro fatigue is being tired all the time. “ Tired people go to sleep and wake up feeling refreshed.Getting up, holding your body and thinking are not an option. “ It’s fibro tired when it takes effort just to breathe.And then you have to rest some more.” – Tricia S.D. You have to rest before you take a shower and you have to rest after your shower before you can even dry yourself properly. “ Fatigue feels like your whole body is weighted down with lead and you don’t have the energy to move.Tired doesn’t begin to cover how I feel I would love to just be tired!” – Jessi E. “ Tired can be refreshed with a nap most times, whereas I can wake up tired, nap and still wake up tired, try to nap again and wake up tired again, this time with a headache.Fibro fog is my whole body filled with sand, words on the tip of your tongue (but still lost)… there is no sleeping it off or relaxing it away, you do what you can to try and function.” – Bay H. “ Just tired is usually heavy eyelids, maybe need a nap… but you can push through and get things done."synopsis" may belong to another edition of this title.Here’s what our community shared with us: But Tala is not ready to accept the implications of the choice her heart has made for her and escapes back to Jordan, while Leyla tries to move on with her new-found life, to the shock of her tradition-loving parents.As Tala's wedding day approaches, simmering tensions come to boiling point and the pressure mounts for Tala to be true to herself.Moving between the vast enclaves of Middle Eastern high society and the stunning backdrop of London's West End, I Can't Think Straight explores the clashes between East and West, love and marriage, conventions and individuality, creating a humorous and tender story of unexpected love and unusual freedoms. Tala, a London-based Palestinian, is preparing for her elaborate Middle Eastern wedding when she meets Leyla, a young British Indian woman who is dating her best friend.Spirited Christian Tala and shy Muslim Leyla could not be more different from each other, but the attraction is immediate and goes deeper than friendship.

    I cant think straight