Slight trims to the chase in Biff's car. Biff now catches up to Marty when he gets distracted looking at his parents. Trim Doc's dialog with Marty that referred to cut bits.

So the song's repeat doesn't have that emotional pay-off anymore (cuts 4m00s). Plus, you watched Part 1 in the past days or even hours, not three years ago. Reliving the song from Part 1 was a fun moment, but it lasted too long. Now Marty no longer causes the bullies to chase his Part 1 self, and doesn't sandbag them to rectify that. Inserted a wipe to signify passage of time. Marty doesn't run back into the dance, instead he hides from the goons in a classroom. Marty (Part 2) still slips past the car with Marty (Part 1), then bumps into Biff's goons as he turns the corner (cuts 4m18s). Replace scene of Marty (from Part 1) driving up to the dance with a shorter BttF1 scene of Marty driving up (for continuity). It does mean we lose most of Mr Strickland. Remove "Oh, La, La" magazine, reducing the misdirection. Fun in concept, didn't work in execution (cuts 2m28s). Remove Doc meeting himself (from Part 1). Small trims to Marty watching Biff's house, following Biff, Biff talking to Lorraine. Small trim in Doc's dialog as they travel back to 1955. This makes George's death less significant in the plot, a symptom of the bad 1985 instead of targeted evil from Biff. Biff is gross enough for the viewer to cheer against him, without claiming he murdered Marty's dad. It's easy script-writing to have all events caused by the main characters, but it doesn't make the story any better. Trim Biff's dialog, removing his claim to murdering George. Now, after Marty's initial confusion ("Mom?") and anger (at Biff) he regains his composure and remembers why he came here. When Biff storms out of the room and orders Marty to leave (the end of the original first visit to Biff Tower), we go straight to Biff in the bath (the start of Marty's original second visit). Slight trims to Biff's dialog inside Biff Tower, for pacing. The original first visit is largely retained, now placed as the start of his visit. He no longer has to get back in after Biff ordered him out. E) Marty learns George is dead from the newspaper (cuts 3m19s). D) No more graveyard, so Doc no longer has to wait there for Marty. C) No more confused stumbling into town, Marty now visits Biff Tower after Doc explains what's happened. A) No more Mr Strickland on his porch, now Doc confirms it's 1985. After many transition try-outs, settled on a hard cut from Marty running to Doc's lab. And Marty has to reach Doc before he destroys the time machine since they'll probably need it to escape this wrong 1985. When Marty realizes things are wrong, would he really wander into town? No! He runs to Doc's house as fast as he can! Doc is the only person who may be able to fix this, the only person who'll believe him. Small trims in Marty's escape from "his" bedroom. Small trims in Doc's dialog as they fly back to 1985, for pacing. I took it out again upon realizing that it raised more questions than it answered.

I had inserted the Deleted Scene of old Biff fading out of existence after returning in 2015, because it answers the question of why Biff is hurt / exhausted climbing out of the DeLorean. We saw it in an earlier scene, so we don't need to see it come down to understand that it's there. Cut Marty Jr complaining about the metal fruit basket. Slight trims to old Lorraine's exposition and the family's dinner conversation.
#Biff back to the future 2 tv
Cut Marty Jr watching many TV channels and Marty Sr walking in on that. Trimmed cops dialog upon arrival in Hilldale, now they bring Jennifer home without dissing the neighborhood. Removed old Biff's surprise at seeing a flying Delorean again after 30 years (because that scene is cut). Slight trims in the Hoverboard chase, for pacing. Trimmed young Griff's lame jokes in Cafe 80s, they didn't add to the story (who will really miss "your shoe's unfelt"?). Shortened Marty's entry into Cafe 80s to remove Ayatollah vs Reagan reference which didn't age well. Shortened Marty's walk in the 2015 town square to remove product placements (kept the Jaws 19 holo-shark!). The joke didn't work for me because the difference wasn't noticeable enough.
#Biff back to the future 2 movie
Or, you could replace this scene into the end of BttF1 and it becomes one of the changes from Marty tweaking history in the first movie (cuts 2m20s). In the world of acting, one role can be played by different actors. Remove opening scene which repeats the last scene from BttF1 with Elizabeth Shue.